December 2019: The Gashlycrumb Tinies

W is for Winnie, embedded in ice.

Concept and designs for a marionette performance of the book The Gashlycrumb Tinies (1963) by Edward Gorey.

This project was part of my studies at Edinburgh College of Arts. The assignment to develop concept and designs, alongside a realized marionette and technical drawings.

Concieved as a travelling performance to be performed in spaces such as schools and libraries, this project speaks to an audence age 9-12 on the subject of death. Death personified takes on the role of puppetmaster and caretaker of the children of the story. They are a gentle character, occasionally intimidating or silly, but always sincere and empathetic towards their charges. The children themselves present their stories, ask questions of, or just converse with Death.

Winnie the puppet is made out of a carved head, a calico body, knit garments and casein paint. Aside from the rigging system he is all recycled materials. Thank you to Bo Bergman for modelling.